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《 赤壁懷古》北宋大文豪蘇軾的詞作, 寫於1082年(元豐五年七月) “Memories of the Past at Red Cliff", a poem written by Su Shi, a great writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, was written in 1082 (July of the fifth year of Yuanfeng) 大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物。 故壘西邊,人道是,三國周郎赤壁。 亂石穿空,驚濤拍岸,捲起千堆雪。 江山如畫,一時多少豪傑。 遙想公瑾當年,小喬初嫁了,雄姿英發。 羽扇綸巾,談笑間,檣櫓灰飛煙滅。 故國神遊,多情應笑我,早生華髮。 人生如夢,一尊還酹江月。 Translated by Xu Yuanchong In December 2010, won the “Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Translation Culture". On August 5, 2014, at the 20th World Translation Conference held in Berlin, he won the “Northern Lights" Outstanding Literary Translation Award, one of the highest awards in the international translation industry, and became the first Asian to receive this honor since the award was established in 1999. Translator. 許淵沖 譯 許淵沖 2010年12月,獲「中國翻譯文化終身成就獎」。2014年8月5日,在柏林舉行的第20屆世界翻譯大會上,獲國際翻譯界最高獎項之一的「北極光」傑出文學翻譯獎,成為該獎項1999年設立以來首位獲此殊榮的亞洲翻譯家。 《   Memories of the Past at Red Cliff 》 The Great River eastward flows, With its waves are gone all those Ga


《 赤壁懷古》北宋大文豪蘇軾的詞作, 寫於1082年(元豐五年七月) “Memories of the Past at Red Cliff", a poem written by Su Shi, a great writer in the Northern Song Dynasty, was written in 1082 (July of the fifth year of Yuanfeng) 大江東去,浪淘盡,千古風流人物。 故壘西邊,人道是,三國周郎赤壁。 亂石穿空,驚濤拍岸,捲起千堆雪。 江山如畫,一時多少豪傑。 遙想公瑾當年,小喬初嫁了,雄姿英發。 羽扇綸巾,談笑間,檣櫓灰飛煙滅。 故國神遊,多情應笑我,早生華髮。 人生如夢,一尊還酹江月。 Translated by Xu Yuanchong In December 2010, won the “Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Translation Culture". On August 5, 2014, at the 20th World Translation Conference held in Berlin, he won the “Northern Lights" Outstanding Literary Translation Award, one of the highest awards in the international translation industry, and became the first Asian to receive this honor since the award was established in 1999. Translator. 許淵沖 譯 許淵沖 2010年12月,獲「中國翻譯文化終身成就獎」。2014年8月5日,在柏林舉行的第20屆世界翻譯大會上,獲國際翻譯界最高獎項之一的「北極光」傑出文學翻譯獎,成為該獎項1999年設立以來首位獲此殊榮的亞洲翻譯家。 《   Memories of the Past at Red Cliff 》 The Great River eastward flows, With its waves are gone all those Ga

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